Challenges with Winchester Truck Accident Claims

They may not make up a large proportion of all traffic collisions that occur on Virginia roadways, but truck accidents do tend to cause the most destruction. The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) reports that just 4.1 percent of all crashes involve semis, tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers, and other large commercial trucks. However, of the total...

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The “Big 3” in Virginia Medical Misdiagnosis Cases

Medical malpractice takes many forms, but one of the most disturbing issues involves mistakes with diagnosis. Delays mean a medical condition may worsen or become terminal, and a misdiagnosis could lead to unnecessary treatment while not getting the right care. The implications are especially concerning when it comes to the so-called “Big Three” in misdiagnosis,...

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Surprising Statistics About Winchester Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents may not make up a large percentage of the total traffic crashes in Virginia, but the data reveals that these crashes still cause devastating losses. The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) reports that there are around 1,900 motorcycle collisions every year, at just 1.6 percent of all incidents. However, these incidents are...

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Avoid These Mistakes Following a Car Accident

The moments following a car crash are critical for securing maximum compensation for your injuries. This might sound ridiculous, but it’s true. Although you might be struggling in the moments following a crash to make sense of what happened, you could easily make some mistake that undermines your case. To ensure you set yourself up...

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Documenting Your Pain and Suffering following an Accident

Personal injury victims in Virginia can receive compensation for the pain and suffering they endure after an accident. This law makes sense. The physical and emotional effects of a serious accident can be disabling. Many people will struggle to leave the house or return to enjoying their hobbies. They might withdraw from loved ones or...

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What is the Difference Between Wrongful Death and Negligence?

Motor vehicle crashes, slip and falls, and other accidents can cause serious injuries to victims, but some incidents are so severe and devastating that they lead to fatalities. In fact, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that unintentional injuries are the Number 3 cause of death in the US. More than...

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What to do After a Car Accident

Motor vehicle accidents remain a top cause of fatalities and injuries throughout the US, but data from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) highlights the severity of the problem closer to home. Every year, almost 830 people are killed and 65,700 victims suffer injuries in the 128,000 auto crashes that occur statewide. More than...

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What Are Non-Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Claim?

Being involved in a serious accident can be a traumatic experience. Depending on the type of accident, a victim may be left with severe injuries, high medical bills, lost wages, and psychological harm, too. If the victim can prove that their injuries would not have occurred but for the negligence of another party, they can...

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