

Motor Vehicle Crash



Orthopedic Injuries, Motor Vehicle Crash



Motor Vehicle Crash



Motor Vehicle Crash



Medical Malpractice

Front Royal Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcyclists are a common sight in Front Royal. Many of our friends and neighbors enjoy hopping on a bike when the weather is warm and tearing down the road. We also have many visitors from North Carolina or northern states who are looking for decent weather in the fall and winter. They ride their bikes into town so they can mingle with the locals.

With so many bikes on the road, it’s unsurprising that many are involved in wrecks. After a crash, you should call Correll Law Firm.  A Front Royal motorcycle accident lawyer at our firm can discuss your right to seek a settlement in a free consultation. All questions are welcomed!

Who is Responsible for Your Accident?

Motorcyclists face many hazards whenever they put on a helmet and head out onto the road. The most serious hazards include:

  • Careless drivers. Motorists can fail to see motorcyclists because they aren’t used to looking for them. A driver could crash into a motorcyclist at an intersection or out on the highway. Many drivers are distracted by smart phones or other electronic devices, while some are distracted by children or pets. Careless drivers cause many accidents.
  • Intoxicated truckers. Many truck drivers are using drugs or alcohol to fight boredom or stay awake. An impaired motorist can easily fail to use good judgment. As an example, they might fail to stop at an intersection, rear ending you.
  • Road defects. Some motorcyclists crash because they hit a big pothole which causes them to lose control. Snow and crumbling shoulders are other hazards which lead to accidents.
  • Motorcycle defects. A defect on the bike might cause it to flip over or fail to stop. A mechanic could be to blame for performing substandard repairs, or the manufacturer has blame for selling a defective product.

Most Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcycle accidents are so disruptive because bikers have little protection when they crash. Their bodies cannot handle the trauma, and they end up in serious pain. Some of the most common bodily injuries include:

  • Contusions
  • Chest injuries
  • Concussion or traumatic brain injury
  • Biker’s arm
  • Road rash and other skin injuries
  • Fractured leg, pelvis, or arm
  • Brain hemorrhage
  • Back injuries
  • Spinal column injuries

Your Rights and Obligations in Virginia

Motorcyclists who are hurt through no fault of their own can seek financial compensation in a settlement. You have a right to request financial compensation for your injuries. However, there are limitations and laws you need to be aware of.

First, Virginia continues to adhere to contributory negligence principles. As a victim, you can’t receive compensation if you were partly to blame for your accident. In effect, being even a tiny bit at fault will eliminate your ability to receive money. That is a tough pill to swallow, but Virginia refused to change its rules.

Second, you need to call our firm so you don’t go over the statute of limitations (Virginia Code § 8.01-243). This is the amount of time the state gives to file a lawsuit. For most motorcycle wrecks, the limit is two years from the date of the crash, and you will receive no money if you miss the deadline.

Our Fight for Your Future

Correll Law Firm is proud to offer our services to the Front Royal community who is struggling after a motorcycle accident. These are difficult incidents to put behind you. Many victims are suffering from long-lasting injuries, some of which are permanent.

Our Front Royal motorcycle accident attorney can:

  • Compile evidence for use in your case. We try to see an accident from all angles, which means talking to as many witnesses as we can and possibly visiting the scene. This level of detail allows us to forcefully argue on your behalf.
  • Communicate with all parties to the case. We can get insurance companies any document they need and answer questions from claims adjusters. You shouldn’t be bothered.
  • Analyze the full value of your claim. We seek compensation for medical bills, bike repairs, pain, emotional distress, and lost wages. If you are permanently disabled, we seek future losses as well.
  • Negotiate with the other side to reach a fair settlement. This process is difficult, but we have obtained many six- and seven-figure settlements for our clients.
  • Litigate a claim in court against the defendant. Negotiation doesn’t always work. We’ll roll up our sleeves and win a court case, if need be.

Call Our Front Royal Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation

Motorcycle accidents change lives. Unfortunately, nobody is looking out for you after the crash. Insurance companies are often trying to minimize their own liability, so you need a lawyer in your corner. Call us today, 540-535-2005.


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