How Long Will I Wait for a Personal Injury Settlement?

After an accident, victims and their families usually feel incredible financial stress. Suddenly, you have mammoth medical bills, and other out-of-pocket expenses can strain your budget. Many accident victims are in too much pain to go back to work, so they are unable to bring home any money to contribute to their family’s bills. You …

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How Long Will I Wait for a Personal Injury Settlement?

After an accident, victims and their families usually feel incredible financial stress. Suddenly, you have mammoth medical bills, and other out-of-pocket expenses can strain your budget. Many accident victims are in too much pain to go back to work, so they are unable to bring home any money to contribute to their family’s bills. You...

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Were You Hit by an Uninsured Motorist?

According to one report, over 10% of Virginia motorists lack insurance. That number is unsurprising. Virginia is one of the few states that lets motorists avoid having insurance when they register their vehicles. Instead, motorists can pay a measly $500 uninsured motorist fee and be good to go. Talk about creating an incentive for drivers

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How Truck Accidents Differ from Car Accidents

In many ways, truck and car accidents are very similar. Anyone involved in a wreck can suffer serious, often life-threatening injuries. For example, rear end collisions can lead to whiplash, concussions, and back injuries. The law in Virginia is also similar when it comes to seeking compensation. If you can show the driver was negligent—meaning,...

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Why Doesn’t the Prosecutor File Your Wrongful Death Claim?

Wrongful death claims are a special type of lawsuit, and many of our clients find them confusing. They often ask, “Why isn’t the prosecutor filing this case?” It’s a good question. We naturally associate death with homicide, which is a crime in Virginia. However, under Virginia law, the estate’s personal representative files a wrongful death...

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